
Student Policies

The Faith and John Meem Library at St. John’s College exists to support the college’s educational mission by providing text materials, a quiet study space, and academic library services to the college community.

The library houses more than 65,000 volumes and subscribes to more than 70 magazines and newspapers, as well as providing access to interlibrary loan services and multiple scholarly online databases. The entire library is a designated quiet study area. Rooms 202/203 and 205/206 are seminar rooms reserved for writing assistants and student tutors but are also available for small group study when not in scheduled use.

Current scheduled library hours are posted each semester on the Meem Library website and on the library entrance doors. Maps and guides to the library are available at the circulation desk. Students are encouraged to ask library staff for any assistance they may need and to make suggestions regarding library services and materials.

Library Policies

The following policies are designed to keep the library safe and clean and to ensure its materials are accessible to as many users as possible. Use of the library implies agreement and compliance with these policies.

  • To ensure library safety and security, all patrons are required to swipe their college-issued ID cards at the circulation desk each time they enter the library. College ID cards must also be presented whenever checking out library materials. Any exceptions to these policies will be at the sole discretion of the librarian on duty at the time of entry.
  • The borrowing period is until the last class day of the current semester for books and one week from the date of check-out for circulating CDs and DVDs. During the semester fines accrue for overdue audio-visual materials at a rate of $1 per day for each overdue item. Audio-visual materials may be renewed before they are overdue.
  • All non-program materials are subject to recall by the library if requested by another patron.
  • Reference and Reserve materials are for in-library use only.
  • Current and back issues of periodicals are for in-library use only. Back issues are kept in storage and can be requested at the circulation desk. Retrieval time for back issues depends upon staff availability.
  • There is a general call-in of all library materials at the end of each semester. Call-in notices are sent to borrowers’ college email accounts. Students are responsible for monitoring their library accounts and confirming accuracy of loan records. Students can check their loan records at any time using the My Account tab on the .
  • Due dates are firm; the library does not provide a grace period for any late returns. At the end of the semester, replacement and processing costs for materials not returned by the call-in due date will be billed to student accounts through the Treasurer’s Office. The library determines the replacement value of the item based on the market price of available copies at the time of billing. Students are also charged an additional $10 administrative processing fee per overdue item. The library does not issue credits for items returned after the call-in deadline. Again, this policy is firm.
  • Each book is read by many people in our community during its lifecycle, and patrons are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of all borrowed materials. Those who return items with damage will be fined the replacement value of each item, plus an additional $10 administrative processing fee per damaged item. Damage includes, but is not limited to, dog-eared or torn pages, writing, underlining, stains, and liquid damage.
  • Meem Library does not accept replacement copies of lost or damaged items. As stated above, students are billed for replacement values based on the market price of available copies at the time of billing.
  • Students who withdraw from the college must return all library materials within 14 days of their official withdrawal date. Replacement and processing costs for materials not returned within this time frame will be billed to student accounts through the Treasurer’s Office. The library determines the replacement value of the item based on the market price of available copies at the time of billing. Students are also charged an additional $10 administrative processing fee per overdue item. The library does not issue credits for items returned after the 14-day deadline.
  • Drinks in covered containers are permitted in the library; food is not allowed. In accordance with college policy and the Santa Fe Smoke Free Ordinance, no alcohol or smoking is permitted anywhere inside the library or on library porches, balconies, and roofs.
  • Library furniture may not be taken outside. Outdoor furniture is provided on library porches and balconies. Individuals are asked not to place their feet on any library furnishings.
  • Cell phones must be fully silenced while anywhere in the library. All phone conversations must take place outside of the building.

Reserve Collection

The Reserve collection is located at the circulation desk. It includes copies of program readings for all seminars, tutorials, and labs for use within the library only. It also includes audio-visual materials (CDs and DVDs), as well as printed lectures, senior essays, and prize essays. Additional circulating copies of program materials are available in the general collection. Reserve materials may be borrowed for a two-hour period. Because of the seriousness of depriving others of access to these materials, fines of $10 per day are charged for all overdue Reserve items.


The library provides Wi-Fi access through the “polity” network.

There are four computers in the library available to the St. John’s community via each individual’s college network login. The computers are intended primarily for research, and students, faculty, and staff are welcome to use them in accordance with the terms of the Library’s Public Computer Use Policy:

  • Research takes precedence over social media.
  • Restrict your use to 15 minutes if others are waiting.
  • Installing or modifying software is prohibited.

Meem Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content.

Students may send printing jobs to the W膿pa kiosk printer in the library. These print jobs can be sent from the computers in the library or from students’ own electronic devices, or can be retrieved from USB drives or cloud storage (Google Drive, OneDrive) directly at the kiosk printer. Students must swipe their ID cards or enter their college network login to access this printer. Meem Library does not manage the W膿pa printer. All questions regarding printing problems or fees should be directed to the college ITS Office.

Students may make copies via the library book scanner. Scanned files may be sent to a smartphone or an email address, or saved to a USB drive, Google Drive, or OneDrive. Scans can also be sent directly to the W膿pa kiosk printer. (See the Copyright section below for applicable copyright law.)

The library has a photocopier reserved for faculty and staff use only. Student photocopying services are available through Office Services, located in the basement of Weigle Hall or via the scanner as outlined above.

Online Resources

The library provides access to several online resources, including FirstSearch, JSTOR, Digital Loeb Classical Library, Mango Languages, Naxos Spoken Word Library, Oxford English Dictionary, Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, The Chicago Manual of Style, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. Students may access these resources on the library computers or remotely through the library website using their college network login. Assistance in accessing and searching these resources is available at the circulation desk.

Library Passports

New Mexico Library Passports are available to current faculty, staff, and students. These allow current members of the St. John’s community to borrow books free of charge from institutions that belong to the New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries (e.g., University of New Mexico and Santa Fe Community College). Borrowing privileges are good for the duration of the semester in which they are issued. Requests for Library Passports can be emailed to the Library Director.

Interlibrary Loan

If the library does not own a title, or the library copy is checked out, the book may be borrowed from another library through interlibrary loan. Request forms for books and journal articles are available at the circulation desk or through a link on the library’s online catalog.

Book Recommendations

The library collections are developed and strengthened through community recommendations. Book recommendation forms are available at the circulation desk.


If a literary, musical, or artistic work is copyrighted, there are legal limits on who can copy or otherwise use that work. Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement. Students are responsible for ensuring that their use of copyrighted materials is appropriate and legal. If a student infringes on copyright using college resources, the college may be held liable. The Assistant Dean, Director of IT, and Library Director are available to answer questions about appropriate use of copyrighted materials. Students can also consult the created by the Copyright Clearance Center.

Copyright infringement will be treated as a disciplinary matter, subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Further, legal penalties for copyright infringement include both civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages fixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, at its discretion, also assess costs and attorney’s fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. More information can be found on the website of the U.S. Copyright Office at copyright.gov and their FAQs at . For policies detailing peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing and appropriate use, please see the “Copyright P2P Overview” appendix of the Handbook.