
Student Complaint Process for the Graduate Institute of St. John鈥檚 College, Annapolis

The ‘Complaint Process’ described below stands apart from grievances related to Title IX and Title IV; see “St. John’s College Sexual Misconduct Policy” and “Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy” appendices in the Annapolis Student Handbook for full details regarding those processes. If a student feels aggrieved by an action taken or not taken by St. John’s College Graduate Institute, Annapolis with respect to its policies, procedures, or practices, the complainant can formally register the complaint. St. John’s College believes in the fair treatment of all community members and will review complaints in a timely manner. All complaints will be reviewed impartially, and no student will face retaliation for bringing a complaint.

Step 1: Formal Complaint

A formal complaint should be presented in writing to the Office the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs. Within ten working days, a meeting will take place either in person or virtually with the complainant, the Associate Dean, and, if the complainant wishes, another member of the community who may serve as a witness to the meeting. This meeting serves to ensure that the complaint is fully understood and the outcomes desired by the complainant are clearly expressed. Within ten days of the initial meeting, the Associate Dean will notify the complainant in writing of the actions that will be taken to address the complaint.

Step 2: Formal Appeal

If the complainant feels that the issue has not been sufficiently resolved, the complainant may appeal to the President of the college. Ten days after the submission of the appeal, the President will make a determination and notify the complainant in writing.

Step 3: Outside Resolution

Should that final action by the college not lead to a mutually acceptable resolution, the complainant may file the complaint with the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). MHEC has authority to help facilitate resolution to student complaints only after the student has utilized all internal complaint procedures at the educational institution. Complaints regarding grades and student conduct violations shall not be reviewed by MHEC.

Student Complaint Process for Distance Education Students

The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that sets national standards for interstate offering of post-secondary distance education courses and programs. St. John’s College, Annapolis, is an NC-SARA approved institution and the MHEC is the NC-SARA Portal Entity for Maryland. Distance Education students attending The Graduate Institute of St. John’s College, Annapolis, who would like to resolve a grievance should follow the Annapolis Graduate Institute’s established Student Complaint Process outlined above. However, if an issue cannot be resolved internally, you may .