
Student Parking

Vehicle Registration and Parking Permits

All students who park their motor vehicles, motorcycles, or mopeds anywhere on college property (including Visitor Lots) must register and obtain a parking permit at the switchboard. Campers, trailers, motor homes, commercial size trucks, and inoperable vehicles may not be parked on campus. St. John’s College is not responsible for damage to vehicles on campus or theft of their contents.

The vehicle registration fee is $83 per semester fall and spring and $57 for summer for both undergraduate and Graduate Institute students. The steps to register a vehicle and receive a parking permit include the following: (1) From the Finance Office, submit payment, obtain a receipt, and a vehicle registration form; and (2) complete the registration form and submit the form—along with proof of current vehicle registration, proof of vehicle insurance, and proof of payment (i.e., receipt for the registration fee)—to the switchboard. With the completion of the registration, a parking permit will be issued. Students will not be issued a parking permit without payment in full.

Note: Applicants with valid accessible parking placard (ADA Disability Placard) are exempt from parking fees, however, vehicle registration is still required.

All vehicle registrations are obtained at the switchboard, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–3 p.m. Registrations must be completed by the end of the second week of each semester. No refunds are issued after that time or to students who move off-campus. A vehicle acquired during the semester must be registered within the first week of ownership. Unregistered vehicles may be ticketed, booted, or towed and impounded at the owner’s expense, and parking or other fines may be applied to a student’s account retroactively once vehicle ownership is verified.

Students are required to display the parking permit on the inside of the lower left front windshield of their vehicle. Proof of valid vehicle registration and insurance required. Vehicle registration and insurance must be maintained (i.e., current and valid) while a vehicle is parked on campus property. A registered vehicle without a permit displayed may be towed. Permits are issued for a single vehicle and are nontransferable. A student with more than one vehicle must register each separately, and both vehicles are not permitted on campus at the same time.

Visitors and Temporary Parking Permits

Temporary parking permits are obtained from the switchboard. These are issued for overnight visitors and students who have a vehicle on campus for seven days or less. Students who have guests on campus are responsible for properly registering their guests vehicle and ensuring that they understand in which lots they may park.

Vehicles are to be parked in designated parking lots only. Limited parking is allowed along some portions of the campus roadways. Except to load or unload for ten minutes or less, parking is not permitted in the bays at the foot of the stairs leading to the upper or lower dormitories or in the Pritzker Student Center or Lowers loading docks. Vehicles may be towed without notification when parked in any unauthorized areas, such as yellow zones, dumpster areas, or in the case of a safety issue. Lot A, also known as France, is considered on-campus parking and requires a permit.

More Information

Citations for the academic year

  • First parking violation: Written warning.
  • Second parking violation: $20 fine and possible boot.
  • Boot fee: $50 fine first violation; $100 fine all subsequent violations.
  • Third parking violation: $20 fine and possible tow.
  • Fourth violation: $20 fine and tow may lose your privilege to park/drive on campus; $100-$200 tow fee placed on student account.
  • First Speeding/Careless violation: $25 fine.
  • Second Speeding/Careless violation: $50 fine may lose your privilege to drive on campus.

Records are kept on every ticket written, whether a warning or a fine. Students can contest citation to Security within five days of receiving a ticket. Do not wait until the vehicle is towed to question a ticket that you receive. Parking citations are billed to the students account in the Treasurer’s Office and must be paid within 30 days of receipt of citation.

The speed limit is 15 MPH on campus. Motorists should note marked crosswalks and yield to pedestrians. Persons who acquire two speed limit citations or acquire four or more parking citations may lose their privilege of driving on campus.

Students may not leave their vehicles on campus during Winter Break or after Commencement.

Questions regarding parking or vehicle registration are to be directed to the switchboard senior operator at 505-984-6000 or the security director at 505-984-6125.