
Campus Policies, Practices, and Services

General Principles Concerning Student Conduct and Discipline Introduction and Community Standards

The college’s goals in responding to alleged misconduct are to: ensure student and public safety; promote health and wellness; hold students accountable for their actions or inactions; educate one another to include understanding one’s effect on the community; provide an opportunity for growth and development, and promote an environment that supports the college’s educational mission.

The Policies and Procedures described below explain the Community Standards and the way the college generally addresses students’ alleged violations.

According to the colleges’ determination alone, it may interpret, apply, or change St. John’s Community Standards, and all related policies and procedures at any time. The Community Standards, and the policies and procedures referenced herein, do not create any contractual rights with any third party, including students or employees. The college retains sole discretion to take appropriate action depending upon the facts and circumstances of any particular situation.

The Way Students Live Our Principles of Responsibility & Honesty

The Community Standards are not designed to be simply a list of which behaviors are discouraged or prohibited, but are also designed to provide affirmative guidelines for positive behavior and contributions to our community:

A “Johnnie” should:

  • Treat all students, faculty, staff, and community members with respect
  • Take responsibility when exercising freedom of expression in a manner that also considers the standards of civility, consideration, and tolerance that should shape the actions of members of the community with one another
  • Help others by engaging in active bystander intervention, including caring for the safety and wellbeing of fellow community members
  • Act in ways that minimize risk of harm to themselves and others, including mental, physical, emotional, or psychological harm, and promote the safety of individuals and the overall community
  • Work to further their academic and social development and not interfere with others who are striving to achieve the same

When These Principles and Standards Apply

By accepting admission to, and enrolling in, St. John’s College, students are obligated to conduct themselves consistent with the principles of St. John’s College, the Community Standards, other college policies and procedures, and all applicable laws. A student may face expulsion from the college if their conduct is deemed to violate these principles and standards egregiously. The Community Standards and the processes outlined apply to both individual students and groups of students’ conduct (both informal and college-recognized groups).

The Community Standards set a range of expectations for St. John’s College students regardless of where or when the conduct may take place, whether on college property, at college-sponsored events or programs, or off campus. The Community Standards also apply to conduct that takes place at any time from the date that students are admitted to the college until they have graduated, including during the summers and between semesters. The college retains the right to respond to behavior that occurs in the interim period after classes end for the semester and before graduation. The Community Standards also apply to students when they host guests who violate college policies, in which case, students may be held accountable for their guests’ misconduct.

Timeline for Reporting

Those who are aware of misconduct are encouraged to report it as quickly as possible to any Senior Resident, the Student Engagement Office, and/or Public Safety. In addition, if misconduct may violate criminal laws, students are encouraged to report such misconduct as quickly as possible to law enforcement. Students are encouraged to self-report misconduct, as self-reporting will be considered a mitigating factor in determining whether and what sanctions may be imposed.

There is no time limit on reporting alleged Community Standards violations. However, the longer one waits to report an incident, the more difficult it becomes for the college to investigate and make a determination regarding alleged violations. Visitors to, and guests of, St. John’s College are also protected by, and held to, the Community Standards. Visitors and guests may report alleged violations members of the St. John’s College community commit to the Student Engagement Office or Public Safety.