Three Annapolis Seniors Recognized with Athletic Blazers
May 16, 2019 | By Chris Krueger (A07)

Athletics and Recreation Coordinator Chris Krueger (A07) reflects on the recipients of this year’s athletic blazers. Each year, blazers are awarded to (typically two) students who have been outstanding members of both the athletic program and the broader college community. This year’s blazer winners were John Davis (A19), Zoe Hinman (A19), and Thaddia Angelica Montione (A19).
The college has awarded three blazers eight times since the inception of the senior blazer award. That three blazers are warranted this year is indicative of the extraordinary generosity of this year’s senior class. We have been extremely lucky to have such a concentration of remarkable folk working, each in their own distinct ways, to better athletics at the college.
It is difficult to adequately convey how important Mr. Davis’ contributions to the college’s intramural program have been without telling the story of four whole seasons. Of course, that’s impractical, so suffice to say that in games and out—whether with his teammates or with his opponents—Mr. Davis’ sportsmanship brought out the best in all. Through Mr. Davis’ leadership as a Hustler captain, the Hustlers went from being a team that sometimes didn’t have a full complement of players to being perhaps the loudest and most fervently beloved team. And not only was Mr. Davis a successful team captain, he also served as a gym assistant and regular referee for both intramurals and Kunai. As Mr. Davis graduates, he leaves the Hustlers as a team on the ascent again in a program that is better-balanced and immensely improved because of his many efforts.
Ms. Hinman’s dedicated and principled contributions to the college’s Kunai and intramural programs have been invaluable. Not only has Ms. Hinman continually found new ways to grow as an athlete and improve her own already ample technical skills, as a Druid and Kunai captain, Ms. Hinman has helped create a welcoming environment that served the interests of both new players and experienced players alike, which can be a very difficult balance to strike. Ms. Hinman worked tirelessly to help develop teams on which people wanted to play, and she led by example, working hard and finding a balance of competitiveness and fun that fostered great turnout and excited interest from all parts of the college community.
Ms. Montione is among the rarest of Johnnie athletes: those who have managed to find time to contribute extensively to the college’s watersports program and to the college’s intramural programs. Ms. Montione has been a tremendous competitor in every intramural sport, perhaps most notably as a fearless handball goalie, but Ms. Montione was even more in her element in the college’s boathouse. Ms. Montione has served as a boathouse steward—a role in which she helped to maintain the college’s entire fleet and facilitated a safe recreational boating environment for her classmates—and on top of her contributions as a steward, Ms. Montione sailed, rowed, and even helped coach in the rowing program during her senior year. Ms. Montione’s steady presence, especially for the rowing program, has greatly benefited the college’s athletic program.