
Career Services For Alumni

Offering Career Services After You’ve Graduated

Our office can continue to help you with your career services needs after you’ve graduated. As a St. John’s alumnus/a, the following services and resources are available through our office:

  • Search jobs and internships using Handshake
  • Individual career counseling appointments (in person, over email, or phone)
  • Career interest inventories
  • Resume and cover letter review, mock-interviews
  • On-campus events, workshops, and programs (listed on our events page)

Contact us at annapolis.careerservices(at)sjc.edu or 410-626-2501 for more information and to schedule a time to talk further about how we can work together.

Add your St. John’s education to your LinkedIn profile by clicking on the button below. Adding St. John’s to your profile makes you a member of the college’s LinkedIn community.