
Annapolis Campus Mailroom

The St. John’s College mailroom for the Annapolis campus is responsible for receiving, processing, and distributing the college’s incoming and outgoing mail. It supports the high standards of St. John’s College by offering this service in a courteous, accurate, and timely manner, as well as providing a means of communications within the college community.

Mailroom Information


The mailroom will be open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., during the summer. The academic year hours will be Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mail Supplies

Stamps and small padded envelopes may be purchased from the college bookstore located in the lower level of Humphreys Hall.

Mail Tips

Addressing Mail
It is important that all incoming mail/packages are addressed correctly. Mail that is incorrectly addressed and cannot be delivered will be returned to the sender.

If you do not always use your given name, please notify the mailroom supervisor to ensure timely delivery of your mail.

Incoming Packages for Students
Due to the lack of storage, it is recommended that students send packages to the college not more than two weeks prior to registration.

Privacy Act
The mailroom will not release mailbox numbers to anyone.

Mystery Mail
If the mailroom staff is unable to identify the receiver of a package, it will be held for two days before returning the item to the sender. If a return address is not available, the item will go to a “dead letter” bin.

Campus Mail
Clearly write the recipient’s name or office. The mailroom is not responsible for loss of money, etc., that is distributed through campus mail. It is important that the mail has a return name on it. This makes it possible to return mail to the sender without the mailroom supervisor having to open it.

Mail Forwarding
Upon graduation or withdrawal from the college only First Class mail will be forwarded, and only for six months. After six months, the mail will be returned to the sender. If a forwarding address is not on file, the mail will be returned to the sender.

Incoming & Outgoing Mail

Incoming Mail
It is important that all incoming mail is addressed correctly. Your incoming correspondence should include your given name and middle initial. If you have a name that is commonly used, your middle initial will ensure proper delivery. The mailbox number is only for students to locate their mailbox and should not be included in the college address. It is not necessary to include the name of your dorm. Mail that is incorrectly addressed and cannot be delivered will be returned to the sender. The mailing address for USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.:

First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial (optional)
St. John’s College
60 College Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401-1687

Postage Due
Mail sent to students without the proper postage will receive a post office form in their mailbox. This form along with a picture ID must be taken to the post office listed on the form. The student will be required to pay the additional postage before the post office will release the mail.

Students Sending Papers to Tutors
Your paper should be in an envelope or folded in half or thirds and stapled or taped closed. This ensures the confidentiality between you and your tutor. Clearly write the name of the tutor and include a return name on the envelope or on the folded page of the report.

Mail Distribution
The campus mail is distributed in the following ways:

  • All students/staff/offices/tutors
  • Individual students/staff/offices/tutors
  • By Class (i.e. FR, SO, JR, SR)

All mail is distributed by mail employees only. Personal businesses are not allowed to operate from a college mailbox. St. John’s College reserves the right to hold and/or return any mail that appears to be addressed to a business.


UPS ground, FedEx ground and USPS packages are delivered to the Humphreys Package Room Monday to Saturday (USPS only on Saturday), and then moved to the mailroom. Package notification slips are placed in the appropriate mailboxes. The package slip as well as a signature is required for the release of a package from the mailroom.

FedEx Air and DHL envelopes and packages are delivered to the switchboard. The switchboard operator notifies the recipient via campus mail. These packages must be picked up from the switchboard. A signature and St. John’s College ID is required for release of the mail piece. The switchboard is located on the first floor of the Campbell Dorm.

Large boxes sent to the college for the fall semester will be held and distributed from a storage room on campus. Signs will be posted at the registration table designating the pickup place, dates, and times. Small boxes will be housed and distributed from the mailroom. All boxes sent to the college for the spring semester and the Graduate Institute summer semester will be distributed from the mailroom. Package notification slips will be distributed to the mailboxes.

Due to the lack of storage, it is recommended that you send packages to the college not more than two weeks prior to registration.

The college does not provide outgoing package services for students. However, small UPS/USPS or FedEx packages that have a pre-paid, return label can be given to the mailroom for delivery to the appropriate vendor.

Larger packages that need to be shipped or returned can be taken to the Annapolis Post Office for USPS services. FedEx and UPS services are available at the Annapolis Post Box located at 3 Church Circle (about four blocks from campus) Annapolis, MD 21401, 410-268-6245 (phone).

Returning Unwanted Packages
A package cannot be returned, without additional postage if it has been opened. Clearly write in bold letters “Return to Sender.” Deliver UPS Ground, FedEx Ground and USPS packages to be returned to the Print Shop. FedEx Air returns must be taken to the switchboard.

Unidentified Packages
If the mailroom is unable to identify the receiver of a package it will be held for two days before returning the item to the sender. If a return address is not available, the item will go to a “dead letter” bin.

Mail Forwarding

Mail Forwarding
Forwarding address cards, for undergraduate summer forwarding and graduating seniors, are placed in mailboxes by the fourth week in April and must be returned to the mailroom supervisor. Graduate Institute students may leave a forwarding address with the Graduate Institute Office and/or the mailroom supervisor.

Students who live off campus and move to another location must submit a change of address form to their local post office before they move. The Annapolis Post Office will not forward mail for students who live on campus and move off campus, withdraw or graduate. The post office sends the mail to the college and it is the mail service’s responsibility to forward the First Class mail to the addressee if possible.

Upon graduation or withdrawal from the college, only First Class mail will be forwarded and only for six months. After six months the mail will be returned to the sender. If a forwarding address is not on file, the mail will be returned to the sender.

It is recommended that students submit a change of address directly to banks, lenders, family, and friends. Campus mail, media mail, FedEx, and UPS mail or packages can not be forwarded. Magazines and newspapers will not be forwarded.

International Mail
International mail can not be forwarded. It is up to the student to notify banks, magazines, etc. when their address will change. The St. John’s College mailroom is not responsible for international mail sent to students who no longer attend the college. All mail will be returned to sender, unless the student stays in the United States. Mail can be forwarded to an address in the United States if this information is given to the mailroom supervisor.