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Financial Aid Forms

Have a question about student accounts?
Contact the Business Office with questions about billing, student accounts, fee statements, health insurance, tuition insurance, and refunds.

Annapolis: 410-626-2514 | student.accounts(at)sjc.edu
Santa Fe: 505-984-6143 | sfstudentaccounts(at)sjc.edu

Submitting Forms to Financial Aid

Use one of the following methods to return forms to St John’s College.

Send only documents that we request.

Method Annapolis Campus Santa Fe Campus
Secure Online Upload
Fax 410-626-2885 505-984-6164
Mail Financial Aid Office
St. John’s College
60 College Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401
Financial Aid Office
St. John’s College
1160 Camino de Cruz Blanca
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Please note the school year heading under which links appear.

2025–26 Forms

2024–25 Forms

Graduate Institute Forms