Jan 12, 2018, 10:54 AM
Exploring Faith
Qiubai Jiang (SF19) studied the development of Christianity in China last summer during an Ariel Internship at the Big Data Research Center in his hometown of Chengdu.
Qiubai Jiang (SF19) studied the development of Christianity in China last summer during an Ariel Internship at the Big Data Research Center in his hometown of Chengdu.
Representational painter Eryn Gammonley (SF17) completed a Pathways Fellowship over the summer at Watts Atelier of the Arts in Encinitas, California.
About Prints: The Legacy of Stanley William Hayter and Atelier 17 runs from January 11 through February 25 in the Mitchell Gallery.
The Hodson Boathouse in Annapolis recently underwent a renovation.
Santa Fe’s Student Activity Center has changed the nature of student life on campus.