Apr 13, 2018, 5:46 AM
Sell-Out Crowd Expected at Annapolis Cup
The 36th annual Annapolis Cup croquet match is set to take place in front of a sell-out crowd April 14 at historic St. John’s College.
The 36th annual Annapolis Cup croquet match is set to take place in front of a sell-out crowd April 14 at historic St. John’s College.
St. John’s College tutor Matthew Holtzman (A00) will deliver the commencement address in Annapolis on May 13.
Jake Stief (SF20) completed a Pathways Fellowship last summer at Harvard.
St. John’s College has a valuable new career tool available to aid students and alumni.
Ken Resnick had a lengthy career as an attorney, from arguing a case in front of the Supreme Court to representing General Electric, before enrolling in the Graduate Institute in Santa Fe.